Your First Visit
Sunday Services @ 9:00 & 10:30 A.M.
Your First Visit
Sunday Services @ 9:00 & 10:30 A.M.
You’re Invited!
It is our deep desire that your first visit to Reach Out Church is positive, encouraging, and life-impacting. To that end, we’d like to give you a quick summary of what you may expect when you stop by.
Dr. Carl Forster
Lead Pastor
From our pastor . . .
We trust you will feel right at home here. At Reach Out, your needs, dreams, and goals are important to us. We know God has a very special plan for your life, and with the support of other believers and the Holy Spirit as our guide, we will see the fulfillment of that plan. We encourage people to know the leading of the Holy Spirit and to freely follow Him.
Dare to be different! As you learn to serve God, He will give you an even greater measure of faith!
What To Expect
We offer two Sunday morning services, 9:00 am and 10:30 am. We live stream our 10:30 am service on YouTube and Facebook.
Upon Arrival
When you arrive, our friendly welcome team will greet you at the door. If you let them know it’s your first time, they would be glad to give you a first time gift! Any one of our greeters would gladly answer any questions you may have concerning where to go, where the bathrooms are, where the children’s church is, etc.
The Service
Our services consist of live worship, announcements, prayer and a message. We welcome you to stay and fellowship after service! We have free coffee and other goodies for you to enjoy! If it’s your first visit we’d love to get to know you better and give you a gift.
Infants & Kids
We provide a space especially for kids during the 10:30am service. We offer a staffed nursery & preschool room for children 0-5. Our children’s church is for ages 6-12. There is also a nursing mom’s room off of our sanctuary where you can go to feed and change your child, complete with a TV so you don’t miss anything that’s happening in the service.
What to Wear
Our church family comes together with no formal dress code. Some enjoy the opportunity to dress up formally while others prefer the comfort of the casual clothes they wear every day. You are welcome to come as you are, with no expectation for anything else!
Upcoming Events
Join us for an upcoming service or special event!